Malware found in Angry Planes and No Clip scripts Mods

Important Please read if you have used the Angry Plane and/or the No Clip Script Mods

This morning it was discovered that the Angry Planes and No Clip scripts hosted on this site and elsewhere contained malware that ran a program known as “Fade.exe” which acted as a keylogger. Please read this post to learn how to remove the malware!

How did this happen?
The Angry Planes mod was downloaded and run by thousands of people on and various other community mod hosting sites and forums. It was even featured in Kotaku and PC Gamer! The mod did exactly what it advertised, however it also spawned a thread that installed malware on your machine behind the scenes. The threat was not picked up by running the .asi file through VirusTotal, which made it difficult to detect before running. This was an extremely sneaky attack, something I can’t say I’ve seen in 12 years of GTA modding.

What should I do now?
If you haven’t uninstalled the scripts yet – DO! That’s not enough, though. You’ll also need to check your computer for “Fade.exe” and other offending applications. Follow this post on GTAForums for more details. We highly advise that you change sensitive passwords, since this keylogger could have picked up any of the keys you inputted since running it. You can change your password via the Account Settings page.

What is going to do?
Beyond obviously removing these files from our site, we’re going to beef up the approval process on these kinds of scripts. We’re very sorry to the legitimate mod authors out there, the “bad guys” ruined a good thing! If you post compiled scripts in .asi, .dll, or .net.dll formats, the approval process will be much lengthier. We recommend avoiding these formats completely and publishing your mods as .lua or .cs source files, these kinds of scripts will be approved very quickly because the source can be verified.

How can I stay safe?
We will be doing our best to avoid hosting these kinds of files on our site. If you’re still paranoid, avoid tools and script mods, which are currently the only types of GTA V mods that could potentially contain malware. Any mod installed by OpenIV (which we 100% trust), including handling/weapon/data config mods and model/texture swaps, can’t contain malware because of the nature of their sources.

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