#GTAPhotographers Crew Promotion!

Some of you will know via twitter that I am a proud part of the #gtaphotographers crew, I’ve been away since Wednesday of last week so only had limited access to things like Twitter and never got chance to get on Social Club, any how I am now back home and finally got logged into Social Club and noticed a huge amount of notifications when I got logged in, I’ve been promoted within the #gtaphotographers crew to Crew Commissioner :D I just wanted to say a big thanks to all of you for the support and of course bigg thanks to our leader of the crew @MakaveliCinema

For those of you that aren’t aware the gtaphotographers crew is a dedicated group of individuals that go round the streets of Los Santos taking the best snapmatics! the crew has been recognized by Rockstar Games a number of times and from some of the bigger gaming sites such as vg247.com and kotaku

Be sure to like, follow the #gtaphotographers crew over on all the various social media platforms and check out some of the awesome snaps from the crew recently
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