GTA 5 Shenanigans | Bumper Copters & Hydra Wrestling!

Shoalts has spent his hard earned heists money on a brand new Hydra and has invited some friends to get involved…this isn’t gonna end well.

Enjoy some low-quality bumper copters and hydra wrestling in this episode of GTA V Shenanigans!

Join Chaney, Shoalts, and Sonny as they foolishly attempt to handle highly expensive pieces of military equipment!

~~ GTA 5 Shenanigans ~~

In these GTA 5 Shenanigans videos, Chaney, Shoalts, Gordymills and their squadron of bastards compile their favorite GTA V funny moments from GTA online sessions into a single video. All Grand Theft Auto gameplay sessions are now recorded on PlayStation 4.

~~ 8-Bit Bastard ~~

8-BIT BASTARD is a super mega ultra awesome gaming channel creating original machinima, stunts and recreations. Bringing you a mixture of modern and classic games, 8-BIT BASTARD is home to original episodes of Weazel News, GTA 5 Movie Recreations and the “How Big Is It?” series.

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